
This is the centre of cable, which carries current or signals through its metal, generally Copper or Aluminium. In some case Tin coated conductor is also used. Conductor also determine the size of cable. Size of cable is nothing but cross sectional area of conductor. For example a cable of size 2.5 has conductor of nominal cross sectional area 2.5


This is the polymer layer applied directly over conductor. Function of this layer is to electrically isolate one conductor from the other or from surrounding and absorb electric shocks.


Conductor along with its insulation is collectively called a core.


(Optional) Metal tape or braiding applied over electric cores to prevent signals interference and signal leakage.


(Optional) Metal tape or braiding applied over electric cores to prevent signals interference and signal leakage.


Outer jacket of polymer on cable, function as protections against duct, oil, grease, moisture, an abrasive and other hostilities.


Outer jacket of polymer on cable function as protections against duct, oil, grease, moisture, an abrasive and other hostilities.


Sheathing: used in single core as well as well multicore cable. This is layer of polymer applied over twisted cores. Its function is to hold the cores together, provide perfect roundness for armouring and braiding, and to provide mechanical strength to cable.


(Optional) Helical wrapping of wire, round or strips (steel) to provide mechanical protection to cable.

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